Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Been outta it for a while..

So I have been MIA for a little bit. Have had a ton going on.

I started Zumba and love it. Going to start paying for each month instead of by each day. For anybody near me that wants some info on it just hit me up!

After starting Zumba I ended up getting a bad cold the second week in. So I missed a few days.

Then a beloved tornado tore though our small town. Still trying to clean up the mess for that one. Don't think I've ever been that scared in my life. No warning and a tornado the next street over with two kids and no where to go. I had enough tornado's to last a life time.

So my hubster bought me a elliptical for my birthday!! I am totally stoked to use it and get into shape. I plan on using it every day along with Zumba 3 days a week.

Now I just gotta get my eating back on track now. Been kinda bad about portion control.

Other good news is that today was my little mans first day of school at the headstart program. Getting up at 6am has kicked my butt today. Pray it gets better soon.

Here is a picture of my work out on the elliptical. It was a 30min work out and my target heart rate was 137 and i stayed above it. =]

Well off to bed for me... Im wooped.

Until next time!

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